Helena Kaori Maeda



Helena Kaori Maeda artwork is symbolic/abstract with figurative details that refers to connection to all the elements. Her attention goes to the hidden forms, from micro and macro perspectives. Some used materials are wood, paper, metal, paint, textile, mix of soft and hard materials that challenges and allows to discover new aspects.
Kinetic sculptures are often made together with Frank Hietbrink. “We would like our sculptures to be inspired on nature, interactive and playful.”

Sculptures - Wall Sculptures - Installations

Most kinetic sculptures made by Helena Kaori Maeda with Frank Hietbrink. "We would like our sculptures to be interactive and playful."


(Detail) Rainbow, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 120cm x 100cm x 4cm. by Helena Kaori Maeda



High Tide, 2017, watercolor-pencil on paper, 24cm x 32cm by Helena Kaori Maeda



Helena Kaori Maeda

NDSM XPO XV _ NIEUW NEW BABYLON collective exhibition
5 April – 6 October 2024
Thursday to Sunday 12:00 – 18:00
NDSM Fuse -plein 29
1033 WC Amsterdam

Ontmoet Rosa Luxemburg
05 MARCH 2024 – 16:00 — 25 JULY 2024
Tijd: 9:00 – 17:00
Plaats: IISG, Cruquiusweg 31, Amsterdam
Toegang: Gratis.
Twaalf kunstenaars belichten het leven en werk van deze denker.
PhArt is een wisselende groep kunstenaars die onregelmatig een denker/filosoof als onderwerp kiest voor een expositie.
Ontwerp poster: Allard Boterenbrood

Wunderkammer at NDSM Fuse “Orphans of the studio”
1 December 2023 – 28 April 2024
Scultptures, paintings, drawings, models and more
Frank Hietbrink & Helena Kaori Maeda
NDSM Fuse – Plein 29
1033 WC Amsterdam